Hi, I'm Anurag Dhyani

Computer science student with excellent problem-solving skills and interest in core CS Fundamentals and backend programming, also well versed in data structures & algorithms.
In my professional experience I have worked on variety of real world problems.

Curriculum Vitae



AI based Healthcare system that tracks your diseases and gives you insight reports along with ML model to test disease with symptoms. The App is called HealthyME and it is a simple web app that has machine learning APIs for disease testing too as a feature

  • Python
  • Flask
  • Sk-learn
  • Machine Learning

Drone Image Stitching

I developed public APIs for utilizing OpenODM software on EC2, enabling cloud-based image stitching for multiple users, moving the process from local computing to the cloud.

  • Python
  • OpenODM
  • Flask
  • AWS EC2

Plant Diseases Recognition

Convolutional neural network to identify the disease present on a plant leaf. It consists of 38 classes of different healthy and diseased plant leaves.

  • Python
  • Tensorflow
  • Keras
  • numpy

Political Biasness Detection

This project uses Natural Language Processing techniques to predict bias in Indian political news articles. Compared LSTM and SVM for classification of the text

  • Python
  • NLP
  • SVM
  • LSTM


I've worked with a range a technologies in the area of machine learning/deep learning. I use python as my scripitng language and c++ for problem solving. I've thorough knowledge of REST-Architecture for making API and use flask for back-development.

  • Scripting

    Experience with Python as a scripitng language and CPP for DS-Algo.

  • Back-End

    Experience with backend frameworks like Flask, Node.js and databases like Sqlite, MYSQL and NoSQL.

  • Keras, Tensorflow,

    Experience with
    tools ML/DL framworks.

About Me

Hey there, thanks for taking the time to visit my profile!
I'm currently working as Senior Software Engineer at Synopsys.
I have completed my education in computer science from NSIT, Delhi. I like solving real problems that benefits our surroundings it is my way of making our world a better place.

Personal Achievements

1st Rank

Data-Quest Data Science competition

Top 5%ile

Gate 2021 Examination

Silver Medal(IMO)

Maths Olympiad




DSA Questions solved on different platforms

Social media @anurag_xd